As this was a weekend flight, we had dropped the client off at the hotel and the helicopter had positioned to a nearby airport to park for the return flight, which was two days later.
On the day of the wedding, our client noticed that he did not have cufflinks for his shirt. At 6pm our Operations Team received a call from this clients PA asking for assistance in getting hold of some cufflinks.
a) We only had 1 hour to find cufflinks and get them to the client.
b) Due to the time, all local shops had closed.
c) Due to the location of where the client was and where the helicopter was, there was no shopping areas close by.
d) The cufflinks would need to be quite plain
a) Ops Team called the pilot to see if he was close by anywhere he could possibly get cufflinks. Sadly he was not. Nor was there a shop at the aircraft where the aircraft was parked.
b) Thinking outside the box – our Operations Team started to call local hotels, especially those with golf courses, to see if perhaps they sold cufflinks at their golf shop. Being aware that the cufflinks had to be plain and therefore not contain a golf ball or something similar on.
c) A call was made to the reception of a local hotel and coincidentally, they had a pair of cufflinks at reception which, some time ago, a previous guest of theirs had left behind. The hotel allowed us to borrow them on the proviso we returned them the following day.
d) The next dilemma we had was how to get the cufflinks from the hotel to the hotel where the client was. The hotel kindly let us land on their lawn and the pilot collected the cufflinks and flew them to the client.
The client received the cufflinks in time to attend the wedding. One very happy customer and one very relieved PA.
Our Operations Team arranged for a motorcycle courier to take them back to the hotel where we borrowed them, the following day.
Our Operations Team thrive on a challenge.